Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Everyone knows it's officially pumpkin spice season. And if you don't know, then just go on Twitter or Instagram for a hot minute and you'll see someone on your feed talking about a Pumpkin Spice Latte or how it's officially fall and the leaves are beautiful and all that crap.

We get it. Other parts of the country have wonderful, crisp fall weather and here in Los Angeles we have the same old 75 degrees and sunny. It's awful.

Just kidding, it's amazing. But we will begrudgingly admit that though we have perfectly warm weather all year around, the one season we miss is Fall, which makes this debunked story a brutal blow to our closet full of Ugg boots that we don't need but wear anyway.
