Kirra Hart Wiki, Biography, Net Worth, Age, Career, Relationship, Family

April 2024 · 4 minute read

Kirra Hart, a 14-year-old girl from Queensland, Australia, captured the world’s attention when she became the victim of a brutal attack on March 16th, 202Initially invited for a sleepover by individuals she considered friends, Kirra soon discovered their true intentions as they subjected her to unimaginable abuse.

Kirra’s Ordeal

During the sleepover, Kirra endured hours of physical assault, including punches, slaps, and stabbing with a knife, while her attackers callously recorded the horrifying incident. The severity of her injuries necessitated surgical intervention and hospitalization, leaving her with both physical and psychological trauma.

The Outpouring of Support

Kirra’s story touched the hearts of people worldwide, leading to an outpouring of sympathy and a resounding demand for justice. A petition titled “Justice for Kirra Hart” amassed over 300,000 signatures by March 27th, 202Additionally, Kirra’s mother, Kristen Hart, initiated a GoFundMe campaign, which has raised more than $74,000 Australian Dollars to assist with Kirra’s medical expenses and recovery. Numerous celebrities and influencers voiced their support for Kirra while unequivocally condemning her attackers.

Kirra Hart’s Biography

Family and Parents

The Attack and Perpetrators

The assault on Kirra Hart was carried out by three girls: Rhynisha Grech, Chloe Denman, and Shanaya Grech. All four individuals are 14 years old and attended the same school. Under the guise of a sleepover, the attackers lured Kirra to a residence in Tewantin, a suburb of Noosa Heads, Queensland. Once there, they subjected Kirra to a prolonged torment, capturing the entire ordeal on their mobile phones.

Motive and Consequences

The motive behind the attack remains unclear, although some reports suggest jealousy or bullying as potential factors. The assailants have been apprehended by the police and face charges of grievous bodily harm and torture. They are presently in custody, awaiting trial.

GoFundMe Campaign

Kirra’s mother established a GoFundMe campaign on March 17th, 2023, with the objective of raising funds for Kirra’s medical expenses and recovery. The campaign has garnered overwhelming support, with donations surpassing $74,000 Australian Dollars. Initially, the campaign set a goal of $1,111.

Kirra’s Injuries and Progress

Kirra Hart sustained severe injuries during the assault, including a broken arm, deep wounds requiring surgical intervention, a punctured lung, internal bleeding, and extensive bruising. Following the attack, Kirra’s family discovered her in a swollen and bleeding state and promptly rushed her to the hospital.

Kirra underwent surgery on March 18th, 2023, to address some of her wounds. Subsequently, she was released from the hospital on March 21st, 2023, and is currently recuperating at home in the company of her family. Kirra is receiving counseling and therapy to aid in her healing process.

An update posted by Kirra’s mother on March 23rd, 2023, on the GoFundMe page states that Kirra is doing well under the circumstances. Although she still experiences pain, she displays remarkable strength and bravery. Kirra eagerly looks forward to returning to school once she feels ready.

Kirra’s Future Plans

As a high school student, Kirra Hart has yet to finalize her college plans. She has expressed interest in pursuing a career as a veterinarian or wildlife carer, as her deep love for animals serves as her inspiration.


Kirra Hart is an affable and vibrant young girl who cherishes time spent with her loved ones. She adores animals and shares her life with two dogs named Milo and Luna. In addition to her passion for animals, Kirra enjoys music, dancing, drawing, reading, and playing video games.

The unwavering support from renowned personalities such as singer Pink, actress Rebel Wilson, rapper Iggy Azalea, model Miranda Kerr, comedian Celeste Barber, and countless others has provided Kirra with strength and encouragement. Her resilience serves as an inspiration, proving that she refuses to be defined by the attack she endured. Kirra stands tall as a survivor who exemplifies unwavering determination and indomitable spirit.
