Samantha Ronson to Lindsay Lohan: Lay Off the Crack!

March 2024 · 2 minute read

“If you’re having girl problems I feel bad for you son … I got 99 problems but a b!tch ain’t one.” – Jay-Z

If only Samantha Ronson could say the same. Whatever dumpster Lindsay Lohan ended up in last night, she got the obligatory, accusatory Tweets out first.

Alleging that her ex is selling her out to celebrity gossip sites, along with plenty of other gibberish, the train wreck had this to say to her DJ ex:

Yep. All she’s ever done is fall for a girl … hurl drinks at a girl, accuse a girl of doing Miley’s ex, fall in a cactus, and have DFCS officials visit, etc.

WHAT A MESS: We sympathize with Samantha.

This rant apparently resulted from LL getting kicked out of a club (so much for her retirement) last night at Ronson’s request after she went insane in there.

Sam’s response to Lindsay’s online babbling was to Tweet the following:

Indeed. We eagerly await her retaliatory Tweets once the janitor tosses the previous night’s trash into the bin outside the club and she wakes up in there.

NOTE: Follow THG on Twitter … we won’t spread lies about you.
