Russian Entrepreneurs Launch Toilet Paper Covered in Text of Western Sanctions

March 2024 ยท 1 minute read

A group of Siberian entrepreneurs have started selling toilet paper featuring the text of the sanctions imposed against Moscow by the European Union and the United States, local news site NGS Omsk reported.

The group, which is called "Our Response," says the toilet rolls are a way of letting Western governments know that Russians do not respect the sanctions against their country, and showing support for the government's foreign policy, organizer Kirill Kolyasin told the local NGS Omsk site on Saturday.

The idea to produce the toilet rolls first came to Kolyasin last year, but it was only after the EU this month extended its sanctions against Russia until January that his group decided to take the idea more seriously.

Our Response commissioned 1,000 printed rolls with the intention of selling them online at a price of 990 rubles ($18) for a pack of two. The product will come sealed in a plastic casing covered with images of Western leaders, NGS Omsk reported.

The group has also sent their product to the U.S., German and British embassies, the report said.
