Who is Smokey Robinsons Current Wife Frances Glandney and How Old is She?

March 2024 · 6 minute read

Frances Glandney is a 83-year-old style originator and money manager who came to the consideration of general society in the mid 2000s when she got hitched to music legend Smokey Robinson.

Regardless of the way that she turned out to be better known following her renowned marriage, she is something other than a big name spouse.

Frances has been free way before she got hitched to her super star spouse. Her fiery character is extremely apparent in the ostentatious clothing types she wears at whatever point she goes with her better half for any of the various honorary pathway events they love to join in.

With a boss standing for never getting found out in a terrible picture, Frances has figured out how to stand her ground every which way and has done so impeccably for the beyond 20 years.

Quick Profile Summary of Frances Glandney

Being a big name spouse ordinarily accompanies unnecessary public examination, yet Frances Glandney has all the earmarks of being in her very own class. The shocking style diva has figured out how to stay shrouded in her cloak of secret for just about twenty years and in this article, we will attempt to expose however much of the socialite as could reasonably be expected.

Frances Gladney Is A Social Phantom Frances was born in a settlement region in California during the 1950s. As the spouse of somebody as renowned as Smokey, one would have anticipated that specific insights regarding her life as a youngster should become known however this has not been the situation. There is positively no record of Frances’ folks or kin.

In any case, obviously either of her folks are of African plummet; this is particularly clear in Frances’ appearance – Frances isn’t Caucasian yet has an African American foundation.

Reports likewise recommend that she went to a neighborhood public secondary school in California.

In spite of the fact that Frances has never affirmed it, data out there lets us know that she is accomplished and has gained her Four year certification from a legitimate college.

Smokey Robinson’s Ongoing Spouse Was Born In 1970 With regards to how much data about them is uncovered to the general population, Frances Glandney and her buddy are two perfect inverses. Smokey, who was born in the year 1940, is 83 years of age presently. For Frances’ situation, a few unverified sources report her extended time of birth to be 1970.

In the event that these reports are valid, it would put her age in the mid fifties and that would imply that she and her significant other have a thirty-year distinction between them.

This is plainly a lot bigger distinction than Smokey had with his most memorable spouse, Claudette, whom he was just two years more established than.

It looks like the amazing Smokey chose to go for who got his extravagant thus far, just about twenty years after the fact, they actually show up totally content with one another.

What’s more, we can’t fault them, this big name couple generally looks running on any honorary pathway and it’s conspicuous to see that they balance each other impeccably.

On the off chance that improving with age was a couple, it would be Smokey Robinson and his significant other Frances.

Frances Glandney Met Her Significant other Through Work A renowned vocalist said love could be tracked down in unforeseen spots, and this was surely so with Frances and Smokey.

They met at some point in the last part of the nineties however it depended on a business relationship. Smokey uncovered that he was enraptured by a striking inside decorator he had contracted to redesign his homes around that time. This inside decorator was, as a matter of fact, Frances who wasn’t excessively certain about the propriety of getting into a heartfelt connection with a client.

This!!! TY @smokeyrobinson for this poem, “A Black American” 🙏🏽💪🏽⚫️⚜️🔴 🤴🏼💐💐🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 #BlackAmerican #BlackandProud #BlackfromtheCORE #IdentityCrisis #AfricanAmericanaintAfrican #weareAMERICAN#ourEthnicityisBLACK pic.twitter.com/NAjQHtKzwi

— HeavenNicole🤎🇺🇸🪶🏹🌾 (@indiandollbacup) April 7, 2023

The relationship, nonetheless, stayed relaxed for certain years before they turned into an authority thing in 2000.

Frances seemed to move past her reservations before long in light of the fact that they got hitched soon after that.

How Long Have Frances Glandney and Smokey Robinson Been Hitched? Like we expressed significantly sooner, Frances Glandney is the second spouse of Smokey Robinson.

The couple got hitched in May 2002 and have been basically as in cahoots from that point onward.

Their wedding function was an exceptionally special arrangement and, truth be told, extremely dear loved ones went to the wedding.

At this point, Frances had begun going with her sweetheart for some significant honor occasions which set off the paparazzi who observed’s everything Smokey might do.

Before they got hitched, a many individuals were interested about the strange woman who was consistently on the vocalist’s arm yet they shouldn’t even need to have stressed excessively.

Their public presentations of fondness and their brilliant grins in pictures said everything: this was a couple that cherished each other definitely.

Indeed, even as they progress in years, they appreciate offering colossal profound help for one another. Their 20-year marriage has remained somewhat serene and without any embarrassments. Taking into account Smokey’s previous standing, it’s great to see that genuine romance changes individuals.

Frances Never Got To Have Any Organic Youngsters In spite of being hitched to her significant other Smokey for just about twenty years, she has not invited any kid with him.

Notwithstanding, she is the stepmother to Smokey’s three kids generally born from his past connections. The initial two youngsters were from his most memorable union with Claudette and their names are Berry Robinson and Tamla Robinson. While Berry was born in 1968 and is at present 55, Tamla was born in 1971 and is 52 years of age.

Robinson likewise has a child named Three pointer, born in 1984 from an extramarital relationship. Three pointer is 39 years of age at present.

Going by the periods of Smokey’s initial two kids, Frances is just their stepmother on a specialized premise as they are inside a similar age range.

All and keeping in mind that we concur that the genealogy may be somewhat curved, we need to give it to Frances for keeping a warm relationship with Smokey’s youngsters.

Frances Glandney Has Generally Brought in Her Own Cash It is normally accepted that all VIP spouses do is lounge around and spend their better half’s cash.

Frances would most likely chuckle at that thought since she had been working way before she met Smokey. As a style planner in the mid 2000s, and an inside decorator in the last part of the nineties, she has forever been an extremely enterprising lady. She and her better half likewise own a couple of organizations together: a winery and a skincare line named ‘Skinphonic’.

Sent off in 2016, the skincare brand was made to take care of the particular skin needs of ethnic minorities seeing that the excellence racks were in every case brimming with white skincare items.

At the point when you set up every one of these, Frances has all the earmarks of being doing all around well and has obtained a sizeable fortune.

Her total assets is assessed to be somewhere in the range of $500,000 and $1,000,000 starting around 2021.
