The Young Bucks Believe They Can Make Top Flight Stars Overnight Like Motor City Machine Guns Did Fo

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The  want to help put a bigger spotlight on Top Flight just like the Motor City Machine Guns did for them back in TNA Wrestling.

Matt and Nick Jackson recently spoke with WrestleZone Managing Editor Bill Pritchard about their new book, , on sale now. The new AEW World Tag Team Champions will face off with Top Flight on tonight’s new episode of Dynamite and the duo shared their thoughts on the opportunity the match presents their opponents as well as themselves.

Despite the match being initially advertised for last week, the announcement appeared to be premature as the graphics were quickly pulled from social media. Nick noted that the match was always planned for this week’s show so they had time to recover from their grueling match at AEW Full Gear against former champions FTR.

“We needed an extra week to recover from that FTR match. All four of us, we were pretty banged up so we needed a little bit more time. We knew the match was gonna happen,” Nick said, “but we just needed that one more week off so that’s why that happened.

Matt Jackson added that the moment feels like the Young Bucks are coming full circle, now being able to play the veteran role and help out younger talent making their way into the business. Back when they were known as “Generation Me” in TNA, Matt and Nick greatly benefitted from working with the Motor City Machine Guns and he wants to do the same for Top Flight.

“This match, it’s like we’re switching roles because ten years ago there was this young team that people were talking about and they got an opportunity on a national television show and they wrestled a more established team. I’m talking about GenMe versus the Motor City Machine Guns on Spike TV for IMPACT, and we were kind of like Top Flight and nobody really had heard of us. There was a little bit of buzz about us and we got this giant opportunity and we had this big upset and we were kind of made overnight. People took us seriously, we beat a team like the Motor City Machine Guns, and that was one of their top acts,” Matt explained, “so I feel like we can recreate that and have these young kids come in.”

“They have a little bit of buzz but nobody’s really heard of them and I think we can make them stars overnight. Whether or not there’s an upset, I’m not gonna give that away, but the fact that they’re gonna come in and there’s gonna be a giant magnifying glass on them, a giant spotlight, to show the world what they’re capable of. Because it took me literally 30 seconds of watching one of their YouTube highlight clips to see that I like their aesthetic, I like the way they looked, I like the way that they moved,” Matt said, “their tag team combinations were original and unique. I saw enough in 30 seconds to know that I wanted to do something with them and there’s a genuine story, it’s real.”

Matt went on to say that they connected on Instagram and he immediately had sent them an email to try and book them on AEW Dark. He said he believed they’d work together eventually, but Tony Khan was also sold on the idea and they set the match up for this week’s show.

“I knew the goal in mind was to eventually wrestle them and I wanted to, I didn’t know it was going to come so soon. I thought maybe it would come in a couple of months but I pitched it to Tony Khan and immediately he bit,” Matt said. “He’s like, ‘No we’re gonna do it like next week.’ So I was like, ‘OK great, you know Nick and I are always ready for more and always ready to put over the younger talent’ and I’m excited, I can’t wait to mix it up with them.”

Check out our full interview with the Young Bucks at the top of this page; the book is available for purchase now in bookstores and online retailers nationwide.
